Is Vietnam Safe for Elderly Travelers?

At, we understand that safety is a top concern for elderly travelers considering a trip to Vietnam. The good news is that Vietnam is generally a safe destination for seniors, as long as you take some basic precautions and plan ahead. Here’s what you need to know to enjoy a worry-free visit to this fascinating country.

Peace of mind travel: Senior women feel secure and comfortable exploring Vietnam, emphasizing a safe travel experience.

Low Crime Rates

One of the biggest concerns for any traveler is crime. Fortunately, Vietnam has very low levels of violent crime, especially compared to many Western countries. Petty theft and pickpocketing can occur in crowded tourist areas, but you can avoid being targeted by staying aware of your surroundings and keeping valuables secure and out of sight.

Safe exploration in crowds: Tourist navigates a bustling market, highlighting a low risk of violent crime.

Elderly travelers may be seen as easier targets, so it’s smart to be a bit extra cautious. Wear a money belt under your clothes, carry only what you need each day, and leave expensive jewelry at home. It’s unlikely you’ll have any issues, but taking these steps can give you extra peace of mind to relax and enjoy your trip.

Quality Healthcare

While nobody wants to think about getting sick or injured on vacation, it’s important for seniors to know they can access good medical care if needed. The healthcare system in Vietnam is modern and efficient, especially in major cities.

Senior receives medical care: Senior consults with a doctor in a well-lit clinic, highlighting accessible healthcare.

Many doctors speak English and are well-trained. Pharmacies are widely available and well-stocked. Costs for treatment are generally much lower than in the US or Europe. Of course, it’s crucial to have travel medical insurance so you aren’t stuck with a big bill.

It’s also a good idea to bring any prescription medications you take in their original bottles, along with a copy of the prescription. Be aware that some medications may not be available in Vietnam.

Accessibility Challenges

Vietnam is a developing country and accessibility for those with mobility issues is limited. Sidewalks can be uneven, rutted, or clogged with parked motorbikes. Many buildings lack elevators. Buses and trains rarely have accommodations for wheelchairs or walkers.

That said, Vietnamese people are unfailingly helpful and kind. If you need assistance, locals will go out of their way to lend a hand, whether that’s guiding you across a busy street or helping carry bags up stairs. Seniors who don’t mind a bit of adventure can absolutely still enjoy Vietnam. Just be realistic about the level of accessibility to expect.

Food & Water Safety

Getting traveler’s diarrhea or food poisoning is never fun, but it can be especially rough for elderly visitors. While Vietnamese food is delicious, it’s important to take precautions to avoid illness.

Sticking to cooked foods: Senior enjoys a steaming hot, cooked Vietnamese dish, emphasizing safe dining choices.

Stick to eating hot, fully cooked foods. Avoid raw vegetables and fruits that don’t have a peel. Ice is generally safe in tourist restaurants and hotels but avoid it elsewhere. Drink only bottled water and steer clear of ice cubes or drinks mixed with tap water.

If you do get sick, pharmacies stock oral rehydration salts to replenish fluids and electrolytes. More severe symptoms may require medical attention. Again, travel insurance is key.

Senior-Friendly Activities

Vietnam offers a wealth of activities that are perfect for older travelers. Some top options include:

Breathtaking landscapes: Senior couple admires a breathtaking view from a scenic viewpoint, highlighting nature appreciation.
  • Taking a scenic river cruise in Halong Bay or the Mekong Delta
  • Exploring the charming ancient towns of Hoi An and Hue
  • Visiting historic temples and pagodas
  • Attending a cultural show like water puppetry or traditional dance
  • Strolling through beautiful parks and gardens
  • Shopping for handicrafts and souvenirs at local markets

Many tour companies offer special itineraries designed for seniors. These often include:

Slower paceMore time to rest and take in sights
Central hotelsLess walking required
Porter serviceHelp with carrying luggage
Focus on cultural sights vs adventure activitiesBetter suited to many seniors’ interests and abilities


Vietnam is a safe and rewarding destination for elderly travelers who come prepared. While there are some challenges to consider, with a bit of planning and precaution, seniors can have a wonderful time exploring all this country has to offer.

If you’re thinking about a trip, we at are happy to help. Our team of local experts can assist with everything from itinerary planning to arranging necessary services to make your visit safe, comfortable and memorable. Give us a call, or contact us on Zalo or WhatsApp to start planning your Vietnam adventure today!

Is Vietnam safe for people with disabilities?

Traveling with a disability can present challenges, but Vietnam is generally a welcoming and accommodating destination. Accessibility infrastructure is limited compared to the West, with uneven sidewalks, lack of ramps and elevators common. However, Vietnamese people are exceptionally kind and helpful to travelers with visible disabilities, eagerly offering assistance. Disabled visitors may need to contend with some discomfort and inconvenience but can still have an enriching experience with some extra preparation. Working with a specialized tour operator is recommended to ensure necessary arrangements like accessible hotels and transportation. Despite the hurdles, many people with mobility issues, vision or hearing impairments have enjoyed memorable trips to Vietnam. To learn more about touring Vietnam with a disability, check out our article: Is Vietnam Safe for People With Disabilities?

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